Kannada to English

Translation is the process of transferring the linguistic entities from one language (i. e. Kannada) in to their equivalents in to another language (i. e. English). Translating Kannada words into English is very simple, just type or paste Kannada text and click on translate to get English translation.

ಕನ್ನಡ ಪಠ್ಯವನ್ನು ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್ ಪಠ್ಯಕ್ಕೆ ಭಾಷಾಂತರಿಸುವ ಪ್ರಕ್ರಿಯೆಯನ್ನು ಕನ್ನಡದಿಂದ ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್ ಅನುವಾದ ಎಂದು ಕರೆಯಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ.

Translation Kannada Typing
Type or Paste Text (Maximum 4900 Characters with Space)Kannada Speech Typing
Total Words: 0
Total Characters: 0
Characters (Excluding Spaces): 0
Total Words: 0
Total Characters: 0
Characters (Excluding Spaces): 0

How to translate Kannada to English

1. Type or paste Kannada text in above box. (make sure You Kannada sentences are proper.)

2. Now click on translate button above.

3. You will get translation of your Kannada text into English language within seconds.

4. You can copy and use the translated text anywhere on the digital world.

Example :

Kannada Text : "ಭಾರತ ಸರ್ಕಾರವು ಕನ್ನಡವನ್ನು ಭಾರತದ ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಭಾಷೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಒಂದೆಂದು ಗೊತ್ತುಪಡಿಸಿದೆ."

English Translation : "The Government of India has designated Kannada as one of the classical languages ​​of India."

Role of Kannada to English translation

India is multi-lingual country where all the regional languages coexist simultaneously on an equal basis but the dominance of English continues. Over the years English has become the only means of communication in all political, business and educational affairs. Hence it is essential that we understand English and our mother tongue Kannada to be able to connect to our own communities in the immediate environment as well as other ;cultural communities in the outer environment. Here comes the role of translation. Translation allows different cultures to connect, interact, and enrich one another.

Can I Translate English to Kannada also ?

Yes, free English to Kannada translation is also available. Not only English to Kannada but also from Any Indian language to another language translation is one click away with "https://easy-translator.com". You can convert English to Kannada and Kannada to English anytime, anywhere with this online translation service.

Common Used Kannada to English Sentences:

1. ನೀವು ಹೇಗಿದ್ದೀರಿ ? - How are you ?

2. ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು ಕರ್ನಾಟಕದ ರಾಜಧಾನಿ. - Bengaluru is the Capital of Karnataka.

3. ಬೇಗ ಚೆತರಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ. - Get well soon.

4. ನಾನು ನಿನ್ನನ್ನು ಪ್ರೀತಿಸುತ್ತೇನೆ. - I love you.

5. ನಿಮ್ಮ ರೀತಿಯ ಬೆಂಬಲಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು. - Thankyou for your kind support.

6. ನಾವು ಬಹಳ ವಿಷಾದಿಸುತ್ತೇವೆ. - We are very sorry.

7. ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಭೇಟಿಯಾಗಲು ಸಂತೋಷವಾಗಿದೆ. - Nice to meet you.

8. ಇಂದಿನ ಹವಾಮಾನವು ತುಂಬಾ ಆಹ್ಲಾದಕರವಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ. - Todays weather is very pleasant.

9. ನೀವು ತುಂಬಾ ಅದೃಷ್ಟವಂತರು. - You are very lucky.

10. ನಾವು ಕರ್ನಾಟಕದಲ್ಲಿ ವಾಸಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದೇವೆ. - We live in Karnataka.

11. ನೀವು ನನ್ನನ್ನು ಮದುವೆಯಾಗುತ್ತೀರಾ? - Will you marry me ?

12. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ನನಗೆ ಸಹಾಯ ಮಾಡಿ. - Please, help me.

13. ದೇವರು ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಆಶೀರ್ವದಿಸುತ್ತಾನೆ. - God bless you.

14. ನಾನು ಒಳ್ಳೆಯ ಕೆಲಸವನ್ನು ಹುಡುಕುತ್ತಿದ್ದೇನೆ. - I am looking for a good job.

15. ಕನ್ನಡ ನನ್ನ ಮಾತೃಭಾಷೆ. - Kannada is my mother tongue.

16. ಕರೋನಾ ವೈರಸ್ ವಿರುದ್ಧ ಹೋರಾಡಲು ವ್ಯಾಕ್ಸಿನೇಷನ್ ಅತ್ಯಂತ ಪರಿಣಾಮಕಾರಿ ಮಾರ್ಗವಾಗಿದೆ. - Vaccination is the most effective way to fight against corona virus.

17. ನನಗೆ ತಡವಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ. - I am getting late.

18. ಶುಭ ರಾತ್ರಿ, ಸಿಹಿ ಕನಸುಗಳು. - Good night, sweet dreams.

19. ನಾನು ಅವಳನ್ನು ಇಷ್ಟಪಡುತ್ತೇನೆ. - I like her.

20. ನೀವು ಎಲ್ಲಿಗೆ ಹೋಗುತ್ತಿದ್ದೀರಾ. - Where are you going.

21.  ನನ್ನನ್ನು ಕ್ಷಮಿಸು. - I am sorry.

22. ನೀವು ತುಂಬಾ ಆಸಕ್ತಿದಾಯಕ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿ. - You are very interesting person.

23. ಮತ್ತೆ ಸಿಗೋಣ. - See you later.

24. ಸಾಮಾಜಿಕ ಮಾಧ್ಯಮ ಜನರನ್ನು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಲು ಹೊಸ ಮಾರ್ಗವಾಗಿದೆ. - Social media the new way to connect people.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many characters or words it can translate ?

You can translate any number of words and characters in free. This the 100% free translation service without any restriction. In one click you can translate Upto 5000 characters. You can use the translation service for any number of time, there is no restriction and limit of uses.

2. How to get Best Translation result ?

For get best translation make sure your input text is in proper grammar of the source language. Always remember software process the input data, if the input is accurate then output will also accurate.

3. Is the translation 100% correct ?

Sometimes you will see a perfect translation, sometimes you will not get result as per your expectation, because the translation services are in developing and self learning mode right now, improving the translation accuracy day-by-day. For the purpose of getting the essence of the Kannada text into English, the translations are acceptable. If you need perfect result then professional human translation will be the other alternate.

4. How can I download Kannada-English Translation Software ?

We know you are looking for the offline version of the translation software. However currently the software is available as a Online service. You can use it in free and without limits.

5. How long I can translate ?

The simple answer is "as long as you want". The only limitation is you can translate upto 5000 characters in single click. You can use the translation service any number of times without any charge or restriction.

6. How the translation service works ?

The software is using Google Translate, Microsoft Translation and AI translation services to produce accurate Kannada to English translations.